Monday, December 28, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Sunnie Reviews: Special Guest Post by Amy Lillard and a Giveaway!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
God is Love: 25 Days of Christmas Stories: Interview with Laura...
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Milagros por Dali Castillo
Milagros por Dali Castillo
Recientemente leí el libro "Anna's Healing (Plain and Simple Miracles)" [La Curación de Ana (Milagros Así de Simple)] por Vannetta Chapman.
Aunque se trata de una historia de ficción, la historia me impactó mucho, hasta el punto de que a pesar de que en general soy rápida en escribir una reseña de un libro, éste se me tomó bastante tiempo. ¿La razón? Seguí recordando una línea del libro más de una vez en mi cabeza: "¿Crees en los milagros, hija?" Sí, esa línea realmente me impactó y me hizo reflexionar largo y tendido. ¿Creo yo en los milagros?
Realmente parecía una pregunta tan sencilla para alguien que ha sido creyente en Dios y en su Palabra toda su vida. A lo largo de la Biblia leemos milagro tras milagro, todo desde el principio hasta el final. Pero eso fue entonces y esto es ahora. ¿Son los milagros solamente para los tiempos de la Biblia? Al crecer, vi varios milagros. Y aunque oramos diariamente por los milagros, ¿realmente creemos que todavía pueden suceder? Jmmm. Algo para pensar, y si uno es completamente honesto, ¿cuántas personas orando por milagros verdaderamente creen que los milagros pueden suceder? ¿O es sólo una formalidad?
Bueno, si todavía estás dudando, aquí está uno para usted. Casi al mismo tiempo que terminé de leer La Curación de Anna, recibí la noticia de que de mis amigas mas cercana estaba enferma. Se había caído en la ducha y se rompió algunas costillas. Luego lo siguiente que oí fue que su condición había empeorado y fue hospitalizada. Después oí la noticia de que ella estaba tan enfermo que la tuvieron que transportar por avión al hospital de la Universidad de Alabama. Obviamente comencé a orar por ella desde el momento en que me enteré de lo que había sucedido. Pero no estaba sola. Toda su familia y amigos estaban orado por ella. Su condición empeoró aún más, al punto de que ahora había caído en un estado de coma y el pronóstico era sombrío. Sin embargo, seguimos orando. Tres días más tarde, recibí la noticia. Mi amiga estaba recuperando. Su mejoría era tanta que se estaba preparando para regresar a casa. Su hija compartió la noticia de la siguiente manera: "El lunes estábamos planeando un funeral. Ya para el jueves, nos preparábamos para llevarla a casa con nosotros. Dios ha realizado un verdadero milagro!"
Así es que, ahí lo tienen. La pregunta fue: "¿Crees en los milagros, hija?" Mi respuesta es muy fuerte y definido, "Sí, lo creo! ¡Absolutamente y definitivamente sí!"
Realmente parecía una pregunta tan sencilla para alguien que ha sido creyente en Dios y en su Palabra toda su vida. A lo largo de la Biblia leemos milagro tras milagro, todo desde el principio hasta el final. Pero eso fue entonces y esto es ahora. ¿Son los milagros solamente para los tiempos de la Biblia? Al crecer, vi varios milagros. Y aunque oramos diariamente por los milagros, ¿realmente creemos que todavía pueden suceder? Jmmm. Algo para pensar, y si uno es completamente honesto, ¿cuántas personas orando por milagros verdaderamente creen que los milagros pueden suceder? ¿O es sólo una formalidad?
Bueno, si todavía estás dudando, aquí está uno para usted. Casi al mismo tiempo que terminé de leer La Curación de Anna, recibí la noticia de que de mis amigas mas cercana estaba enferma. Se había caído en la ducha y se rompió algunas costillas. Luego lo siguiente que oí fue que su condición había empeorado y fue hospitalizada. Después oí la noticia de que ella estaba tan enfermo que la tuvieron que transportar por avión al hospital de la Universidad de Alabama. Obviamente comencé a orar por ella desde el momento en que me enteré de lo que había sucedido. Pero no estaba sola. Toda su familia y amigos estaban orado por ella. Su condición empeoró aún más, al punto de que ahora había caído en un estado de coma y el pronóstico era sombrío. Sin embargo, seguimos orando. Tres días más tarde, recibí la noticia. Mi amiga estaba recuperando. Su mejoría era tanta que se estaba preparando para regresar a casa. Su hija compartió la noticia de la siguiente manera: "El lunes estábamos planeando un funeral. Ya para el jueves, nos preparábamos para llevarla a casa con nosotros. Dios ha realizado un verdadero milagro!"
Miracles by Dali Castillo
It really seemed like such a simple question for someone who has been a believer in God and in His Word all of her life. All throughout the Bible we read miracle after miracle, all the way from the beginning to the end. But, that was then and this is now. Are the miracles only for Bible times? Growing up, I saw my own share of miracles. And although we pray daily for miracles, do we really believe they still can happen? Hmmm. Something to think about, and if one is completely honest, how many people praying for miracles truly believe that miracles can happen? Or is it just a formality? Does it just go with the territory?
Well, if you're still doubting, here's one for you. About the same time I finished reading Anna's Healing, I received word that a good friend of mine was ill. She had fallen in the shower and broken a few ribs. However, the next thing I heard was that her condition had worsened and she was hospitalized. The next news was that she was so ill that they were flying her to the University of Alabama hospital. Needless to say, I began praying for her from the moment I heard what had happened. I was not alone. All of her family and friends were praying. Her condition worsened even more. She had since fallen into a coma and the prognosis was grim. However, we kept praying. Three days later I received the news. My friend was recuperating, so much so, that she was preparing to go home. Her daughter shared the news in the following manner, "On Monday we were planning a funeral. By Thursday, we were preparing to take her home with us. God has truly performed a miracle!"
So, there you have it. The question was, "Do you believe in miracles, child?" My answer is a very strong and definite, "Yes, I do! I absolutely do!"
Anna's Healing (Plain and Simple Miracles) by Vannetta Chapman
My Reflections:
That Was Really Awesome!
Vannetta Chapman is one of my favorite authors. For one thing, her book, A Perfect Square (A Shipshewana Amish Mystery Book 2) was the first book that I read in the Amish fiction genre, and I've been hooked ever since. Anna's Healing is just one more example of how Vannetta's talent for writing sucks you in from beginning to end, leaving you with a feeling of contentment.
Anna Schwartz is originally from Goshen, Indiana, but she has moved to Oklahoma to live with her uncle, aunt, and grandmother. After a time, she meets Chloe Roberts, a reporter, and the two become fast friends. Anna also befriends Jacob Graber, who has just moved to Oklahoma and hires on to help her uncle. One day, as Anna is helping in the fields, a tornado strikes, turning Anna's life upside down. She suffers an injury to her back which results in her ending up in a wheel chair. However, through this difficult time, Anna has the love and support of her family, Chloe, and Jacob.
Anna's grandmother is a strong woman of faith. One day she asks Anna, "Do you believe in miracles, child?" Although Anna responds that God is able to perform miracles, in her mind, she's not convinced. Then one day, it happens. Anna wakes up and is able to walk. This amazing miracle is a great thing, isn't it? That's where the story takes a turn as the author takes the reader in an unexpected direction which will leave you glued to the pages until you get to the very end, at which time you'll say, "Wow! That was really awesome!"
***I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and viewpoints are my own.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
WritersOnReading: Writer Laura Hilton On Reading
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Lesson From a Fly by Dali Castillo
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Cindy's Book Reviews: The Birdhouse Review
The Elderly....Something to Think About
Camera Crew Spends A Day In The Life
Of A Lonely 98-Year-Old Woman
Friday, October 23, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
God is Love: Interview: Vannetta Chapman, author of Anna’s Heal...
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Christmas Mittens by Laura V. Hilton
Gracia Dykstra enjoys her job at the Senior Center, especially at Christmas time when the seniors have an annual craft shop. Desperate to raise funds Gracia asks for donations of Christmas trees to sell in order to raise much-needed funds, but Christmas tree donations are scarce. Jake Trivett has quit his job in California to come home and help his dad who runs a struggling tree farm. A friendship with Gracia, who he’s always admired, intrigues him. Gracia’s heart flutters with more than Christmas spirit when Jake, an old flame, answers her phone call regarding tree donations. Will Gracia receive more than Christmas trees this year?
My Reflections:
Delightful Story!
I love Christmas stories and I love novellas. Laura V. Hilton has combined the two and come up with a wonderfully delightful story that is just pure entertainment.
Gracia Dykstra and Jake Trivett have a little bit of history between them, and although Gracia had always felt something for Jake, the feeling never seemed to be mutual. Add to that the fact that Jake moved to California and it all became a moot issue. Or rather, it was a moot issue until now. because much to Gracia’s surprise, Jake has returned. Jake’s return finds Gracia and Jake working together to raise funds for the Senior Center where Gracia works while helping Jake and his dad get their tree farm back up and running. Their time spent together has its ups and downs, misunderstandings, crossed signals, and an old flame thrown in for good measure. All of this had me laughing one minute, wanting to shake someone the next minute and sighing the next. I loved the banter between Jake and Gracia as well as the interactions of the other characters. It made for one great emotional roller coaster resulting in a fun, romantic and entertaining read that held me captive from beginning to end.
*****I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and viewpoints are my own.
Monday, September 7, 2015
A Christian Writer's World ~~ Characters who grip your heart: THE BIRDHOUSE - Laura V Hilton - One Free Book
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Wanda and Aymara Medical Funds
Hi my name is Wanda Gines. Around 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with Breast cancer, my doctor stated that I had to undergo surgery asap, therefore it was scheduled for August 11. We thought that it was difficult, but we could work around the situation. But to make then matters more difficult my youngest daughter Aymara (20 yrs) and mother of a 2 year old adorable girl; was diagnosed on August 7 (yes, just a week after my diagnosis) with a rare type of Lung Cancer. As a human being, it is terrible been diagnosed with any type of cancer, but as a mother, it is devastating to learn that one of your kids is sicker than you are. And that you need to have lots of hopes and prayers to make things work. But also funds to make sure that your daughter receives the best care possible.
In my case, I had surgery (as I said before) and the diagnostic of Carcinoma in-situ left breast. 4 days after surgery, I receive a call from my doctor stating that the Pathological Report state that my cancer is Invasive and I must undergo another surgery and has already been scheduled for September 2.
While I am trying to digest all this new information related to my health, I learn that the 6 inch tumor or mass that was removed from the right side of my daughter’s chest was misdiagnosed, therefore, mistreated. The tests that they ran on the mass at the time, stated it was benign, but now they ran the tests again and discovered that the tumor is Malignant and is a rare type of Lung Cancer, that is advancing more and more thru her lungs. This is causing her extreme trouble breathing, sitting and simply being able to spend time with her baby girl, I see the suffering and pain she is in her eyes. We are now waiting on the Oncologist to determine which is the best course of action to take with Aymara (my daughter).
Due to both of us now struggling with two different type of Cancer, medical bills are piling up. As a mother I want to provide the best care for my young daughter. She should have the opportunity of living a long life, see her daughter go to school, graduate and even get married. Only God with no restriction treatment can work the miracle. I pray to the Lord to give us the strength to deal with our conditions and to recuperate.
I kindly ask for your support weather is praying or monetary to help us suffrage with all the expenses that are piling up and be able to provide Aymara and her daughter Lizbeth many years together.
Thank you in advance for your support and may God Bless you!!
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Author Kate Lloyd
Monday, August 10, 2015
Seriously Write: God's Strength by Laura V. Hilton
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Sunnie Reviews: A Simple Amish Christmas by Vannetta Chapman
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Brian's Choice (Plain and Simple Miracles) by Vannetta Chapman
Perspectives By Nancee: "Brian's Choice"(Prequel to the Plain & Simple Mir...
Sunday, July 19, 2015
A Bride at Last (Unexpected Brides Book #3) by Melissa Jagears
Kate Dawson was supposed to be a mail-order bride, but upon realizing she'd been deceived about her intended groom, she's now settled into life as a schoolteacher. When the mother of a student passes away, Kate assumes she'll take on care of nine-year-old Anthony--until two men suddenly show up in town, claiming to be the boy's father.
Silas can see Anthony loves Kate, so he enlists her help in reaching out to the boy and attempting to prove his paternity to the court. When a common interest in Anthony leads to an interest in each other and Silas and Kate begin to think they can overcome their rocky start, neither is prepared for the secrets and past hurts that have yet to come to light. Can Silas, Kate, and Anthony's wounded souls bind them together or will all that stands between them leave them lonely forever?
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
The Birdhouse (Amish of Jamesport #3) by Laura V. Hilton
Book Details:
Title: The Birdhouse
Series: Amish of Jamesport Book 3
Publisher: Whitaker House
Pages: 272
Release Date: September 16, 2015
Laura V. Hilton is an award-winning author with more than twenty Amish, contemporary, and historical romances. When she's not writing, she reviews books and writes devotionals for Seriously Write.
Laura and her pastor-husband have five children and a hyper dog named Skye. They currently live in Arkansas.
When she's not writing, Laura enjoys reading, and visiting lighthouses and waterfalls. Her favorite season is winter, and her favorite holiday is Christmas.
To learn more about Laura, read her reviews, and find out about her upcoming releases, readers may visit:
My Thoughts: That Was Awesome!
To Soar on Eagle's Wings by Renee Blare
Rachel Fitzgerald’s on Spring Break. Or at least she’s trying. Between paperwork, and harassing phone calls, she may as well have stayed in her classroom. So much for relaxation. A ‘chance’ meeting with her brother’s old roommate offers her weary soul a shred of hope, but she discovers love, like life, isn’t easy.
He talks with the wisdom of the Lord but rejects the future. She wants to soar with the eagles but walks alone. And trusting God proves to be more of a challenge than ever before… "
Romance and mystery are a perfect combination, and To Soar on Eagle’s Wings is just that. I was drawn in immediately as the author introduced the background of the relationship between the characters at the very beginning of the story. It then moved to the present which set the backdrop for the rest of the story. Although the first few chapters seemed to move a little slow, they were crucial to the rest of the story. And wow, once it took off, it really took off. I was turning pages as fast as I could and sitting on the edge of my chair. It had me guessing up to the end. But don’t be fooled by the action, intrigue, and mystery. Renee Blare also masterfully combines sweet romance, faith, and hope in with the mystery and intrigue making To Soar on Eagle’s Wings a perfect combination.
**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and viewpoints are my own.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Batch of Books: Murder Freshly Baked: An Amish Village Mystery
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Beast of Stratton by Renee Blare
He appears the beast, But she sees His heart...
Architect Aimee Hart, determined to locate her father, infiltrates Miles Stratton’s engineering firm as a secretary. Her presence wrenches the shaggy, wounded man from his penthouse, and the quest begins.
Betrayed by his best friend, Miles would rather hide than help, especially from the man's daughter. But something's not right. Someone’s trying to destroy Stratton Industrial. A decorated war veteran, he's defended his own before and the Beast of Stratton can do it again.
Even with the enemy at his side.
Miles Stratton: War hero; Suffers from PTSD; CEO of an engineering firm; Suffers physical scars from his military experience; Reclusive; Close friend of Stephen Hart who is currently missing
Aimee Hart: Architect; Searching for her father, Stephen Hart, who has gone missing; Secretary in Miles’ engineering firm with the ulterior motive of finding clues that will lead to her father
So, what do Miles and Aimee have in common? Stephen Hart is Miles’ good friend and Aimee’s father. The problem is that Stephen has gone missing. Aimee and Miles join forces to solve the mystery of Stephen’s disappearance and to find who is trying to destroy Stratton Industrial.
Renee Blare has masterfully intertwined these characters in “Beauty and the Beast” fashion. The result is a fast paced, action packed story with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. At the same time, you will smile and sigh with the romantic thread that is woven into the suspense, all in all making the Beast of Stratton an awesome story that you won’t want to miss.
*****I received a copy of this book from in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and viewpoints are my own.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Ok, I've been using Vaseline for years. I have extremely sensitive skin and it's the only thing that doesn't make me break out or get hives. Due to a few new issues, my dermatologist suggested that I only use Vaseline on my lips instead of chapstick and to even avoid those with all natural ingredients. Sooooo, I marched myself to the store and purchased a few small containers of Vaseline Lip Therapy, Original formula. (a few because I keep one in my purse, desk, etc.) When I got home, I took a closer look at the package and to my surprise and shock, what did I find? The ingredients in the Lip Therapy are petroleum & Yellow 5 Lake. Why? Why? Why? Why? If Vaseline's only ingredient is petroleum, why pray tell does the lip therapy include the yellow 5 lake? Some may say it's my fault for not reading the ingredients at the store, and you're probably right? But why would I? Vaseline is a product I've trusted and used for years. Also, the Lip Therapy looks EXACTLY like the Vaseline and is labeled Vaseline Original. Why would I even question that there would be a difference? So why am I so worked up?
Here are some facts about Yellow 5 Lake according to the website Chemical of the Day:
FD&C Yellow Aluminum Lake:
What is it?
This is an artificial color derived from coal tar.
Why is it a risk?
FD& C Yellow Aluminum Lake is known to be a reproductive toxin and hazardous to the nervous system. Also known as tartrazine, it's a suspected cause of asthma, dermatitis, and other allergic and inflammatory responses.
What type of products is it found in?
Eye shadow, blush, nail polish, mascara, lip balm, facial powder, lipstick, lip liner, sunscreens
I don't understand why this product, which goes on a very sensitive part of the face, should include Yellow 5 Lake. I am very disappointed that Vaseline has chosen to include this ingredient in Vaseline's Lip Therapy.
I'll be looking for another product to replace it.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Murder Freshly Baked (An Amish Village Mystery Book 3) by Vannetta Chapman
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Shelf Full of Books: Book Review: Murder Freshly Baked by Vannetta Chap...
Rhonda's Doings !: 5-Star Review of "Murder Freshly Baked"
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Laughing With Lizzie: Interview with Sarah Price, author of Amish variat...
Monday, June 15, 2015
Thursday, June 11, 2015
The Avid Reader: Murder Freshly Baked
Reading, Writing, and the Stuff In-Between: Laura Hilton and Free Books!
Sunnie Reviews: Lorie's Heart by Amy Lillard
Monday, June 8, 2015
Protected (Jacobs Family Series Book 2) by Vannetta Chapman
ERIN JACOBS doesn’t hesitate when she receives a desperate call in the middle of the night. As owner of the Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter, it’s her job to rescue animals. But from the start, this case is different.
The woman’s frantic plea.
Directions to a deserted hunter’s cabin.
Insistence that she come alone.
Then she’s looking down into a washtub at an infant child.
Erin’s life changes irrevocably when she becomes involved with a mother who has lost all hope, an orphaned child, millions of dollars and a father who might do anything to get his hands on the money. Social worker TRAVIS WILLIAMS is assigned to her case. Travis sees more in Erin than someone who rescues strays. She’s unconventional, strong-willed, and caring. It could be that she would make the perfect parent for Josh.
Before he can work through his feelings and file his report, the situation takes another dangerous turn. Can Erin and Travis guarantee Josh’s safety? To do so, they’ll need to rely on one another, their families, and the faith of their childhood.